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About me

"What did you do as a child that made the hours pass like minutes?  Herein lies the key to your earthly pursuits.-Carl Jung



  Hello!  I'm not sure if it would be better to write this in third person, but since this is a one-woman-show, I'll just write it in first person.  My name is Cheyenne Christensen, and I’m a 24 year-old aspiring full-time artist from Canada.  I was born and raised in Manitoba, which is one of the lesser known and much overlooked provinces of Canada; however, I'm continually inspired by the beauty of my home and the local wildlife.  I'd love to be able to share the beauty of my home with others through my art and through my social media content.  I'm most at peace in natural settings as I like to quietly observe and really take in the moment and my surroundings.  You could say that I'm a bit of an elusive forest dweller.  


  I've always been drawn to visual media and I had an active imagination growing up, so making art has been quite the natural process for me.  As a kid, I absolutely loved to draw and colour.  It was my favourite way to pass time or ward off boredom.  My Mom would take me to restaurants for the afternoon to get out of the house when I was little, and I would be happily drawing away at the restaurant.  I even gifted drawings to people  -- either to my favourite waitresses or to the elderly coffee-drinkers that we'd see regularly.  I was homeschooled and my family always encouraged and supported my creative interests, which I'm very grateful for and humbled by.  My late paternal Grandparents always told me how proud they were of me as an artist and how one day I'd make it big.  My Grandpa was the one who taught me about Vincent van Gogh back when I was an adolescent.  He told me about Vincent's life, and my Grandpa thought Vincent was quite the character.  I didn't necessarily appreciate it back then, but now Vincent van Gogh is one of my favourite artists.  

  As I got older, I stopped making art almost completely, but in 2014, I saw a watercolour tutorial on YouTube and fell in love with what I saw and I just had to try watercolour painting for myself.  I gave it a try and I was hooked!  I enjoyed working with watercolours so much that all of my spare time was used for painting and learning how to get better at it.  I was like a sponge, watching all the online tutorials I could and learning about the different techniques.  In 2015, I went to my very first in-person watercolour workshop that was held in a nearby town.  I had a lot of fun and made new friends there.  I went to these watercolour classes several times a year, for about three years.  The classes were fun and I definitely learned a lot and made great progress, but there came a time when my skills were getting more advanced and I was no longer getting much out these classes (other than the fun of socializing with other creative people).  I was serious about advancing my skills and finding my own style, so I took time to focus on that.  I stopped going to the classes and stopped watching tutorials and instead discovered techniques and tricks on my own and started to develop my own style -- which is still an ongoing process.  I don't think I could say that I'm a self-taught artist, but I didn't have any formal art education either.  I used the information and tips that I collected along the way as building-blocks to my own creative practise. 

  My current goal is to build my inventory of quality work and continually trying learn and improve.  I enjoy making painting progress videos on YouTube and TikTok and I'm trying to organically grow my social media audience.  My focus has been on commission work these past few years, but I'm starting to get into selling my original paintings as well.  I also want to teach watercolour painting someday and make tutorials and informative videos.  If you wish to support me on my journey, the best way to do so at this time is to commission me for a custom painting, or to share my website/social media sites with others to help my art get exposure.


Thank you so much for reading!  I could write so much more, but I'll leave it at this for now.


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