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Privacy Policy

What personal information is collected and how it is used



When you visit my website, my host site,, automatically collects certain information and data called "cookies".  This includes, but is not limited to, information about your web browser, time zone, IP address, and what country your IP address is set in.  Additionally, as you browse the site, Wix collects information about which pages on my website you view, how long you've stayed on my website, and how you found my website, or if you've found the site organically. 


In short, the information that is collected is about how you interact with my website and what part of the world you are from.  The purpose of this information is so that I can see my analytics I.E. how my website is performing and what kind of viewers the site gets.


You can accept the cookies, decline the cookies, or customize which cookies you allow when you first visit the site.  You can also ask to see all the information that has been collected about you, or you can ask for the information to be deleted.


The social media buttons on my site also collect cookies.  For instance, if you click on a 'like' button or click on a button that redirects you to one of my social media pages, those social media websites will collect cookies for tracking and marketing purposes.





Other information that is collected when you sign up to the site:



Signing up to my blog allows you to like and comment on my blog posts.  Signing up also allows you receive email notifications when a new blog post is posted.  To sign up you must enter a username, a password for the site, and your email address.  When you sign up, I see the name you've provided (your username), and the email address that you provide, but I do not see your password for the site.  You can delete your profile, unsubscribe anytime, and you can ask that I delete the information that you provided when signing up. As the owner of the site I may remove/delete your profile from my site if I see that it is necessary due to harmful activity







Information that is collected when you commission a painting:




If you contact me, I'll see your email -- or your social media profile if you choose to message me that way. I never share this information, but I will keep your email in my contact list in just case I'd need to get in contact with you for some reason.  If I'm shipping a painting to you, I need to know where to ship it to; therefore I'll need your mailing address or the address you'd like the painting to be shipped to.  Again, this information is never shared. 


If you make a payment by cheque, I will receive the information present on the cheque, but I will not receive for have access to any other banking information.  I do not receive any of your credit card information when you make a payment to me via PayPal or e-transfer; however, the third party such as PayPal, does receive the information you provide to them.





I will never share or publicly publish your email, mailing address, full name, and you will never be email spammed by me.   

I respect your privacy and any information that is collected stays confidential and secure as far as it depends on me. 


Thank you for reading!



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