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Information about commissions and custom paintings 





I have been making custom paintings since 2016.  It all started when I made a portrait painting of my own dog, and thought this was something I could do for others as well.  Giving someone a painted portrait of their beloved animals was something that I felt could really add meaning to my art career.  I really enjoyed painting dogs and cats and I was learning the ins and outs of working with clients, receiving payments, and shipping artwork.  There was a lot that I had to learn and do and it felt a bit overwhelming at first.


I lacked boundaries and confidence in my first years of working on commissions, and because of that I was stressed.  I was putting excessive pressure on myself, and I soon became burnt out and the joy I had originally felt for painting was nearly gone.  Nonetheless, I persevered and slowly moved forward.  Little by little, I felt more confident and started setting healthy boundaries with clients.  I was taking my time to finish paintings and learning to enjoy the process again.  Now I'm back on track and happier than ever to do commission work!   



I always strive to do my best work when making a commission painting.  I pay attention to important details whilst also keeping the painting fresh and with a painterly feel.  My goal is to capture the unique essence of the subject and bring the painting to "life"!



When you commission me, I will ask about the colours you'd like me to use, the format (portrait or landscape), and if there's any other details that you want me to incorporate.


I tend to be a "slow" artist.  I take my time to navigate the painting process and discover the best course of action.  If you have a set date that you need the painting by, please commission me at least two months in advance.


I only make commissions with watercolour or graphite.  In the future I do plan to broaden the mediums that I work in.  


I most commonly paint pet portraits (and other types of paintings that involve animals), but I'd gladly accept other types of commissions as well, such as human portraits and landscapes.  


Reference photos are absolutely necessary for commissions. Please be sure to send me the highest quality picture(s) that you have of who, or what you want me to paint.










Sizes Available:


8.5"x 11" | 9" x 12" | 11" x 15" | 15" x 18"

I prefer to work with the sizes listed above, however, sizing is flexible andefinitely customizable. 



Pricing and shipping:


*Note: I live in Canada, so the prices shown here are in Canadian Dollars.  If you live in a different country, the cost to you will be relevant to the difference in the currency value.  Also, shipping outside of Canada may be pricier than shipping within Canadian borders.


 Pricing will vary accordingly to size and subject matter.  Landscapes are (usually) on the lower end, pet portraits/animal paintings in the middle, and human portraits on the higher end.  My commission starting rate is $100, and can go up to $300+ depending on the factors previously mentioned.


Before I can give you a definitive price for the painting, I will need to see the subject and know what size that you want the painting to be.  I'll also need to know where I will be shipping the painting to.  I usually use the most basic shipping from Canada Post, but you can ask for a tracking number on the parcel which will be an addition cost.  I include the shipping and handling costs in the final price that I give you.  




Payment methods:  


I accept payment by cheque, PayPal, E-transfer, and cash if I meet you in person.  I'll also accept smaller consecutive payments if you are unable to pay the full amount up front.  

*Note: the painting will only be shipped once the total payment has been made.





If you have questions, please email me at



Thank you for reading!



To see more of my pet portraits, please visit the page Pet Portrait Portfolio

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