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  • Writer's pictureCheyenne Christensen

My first blog post! A little introduction...

Updated: Mar 29, 2021

Published: Jul 17, 2019

Hello to whomever may be reading this. My name is Cheyenne and I'm a watercolour artist. I've been posting my art on Social Media for a few years now, but I've decided that it is a good time for me to start blogging as well. I want to talk more about the the emotions behind my art and the messiness that is my creative process.

I've come to the conclusion that most people on Instagram or Facebook aren't really interested in reading things like "I have anxiety about my anxiety" or that I went from elated-to-depressed-and-back in the process of making one painting (LOL). They are mostly there to look at pretty photos "double-tap" (or like) and then go. Now, not that there's anything wrong with that, I just think sites like Instagram aren't quite the proper spaces for me. I hope to reach and interact with people who are interested in learning a little more about the stuff behind the art and creative life with this blog. I'd love to be able to inspire others and talk about not only the highs, but also the lows, and find other people who can relate.

This blog will be about my art, the process and the feelings behind it all. Also, in the near future I plan to post watercolour tutorials and tips/advice. I hope to post as often as I can, which may be once a week sometimes and once a month other times. Bear with me and my inconsistent inspiration! Stay tuned!

Til next time,


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